When thinking of the branding for Space For Us, I automatically knew the feel I wanted to go for. I wanted it to be nostalgic yet contemporary, simple yet colorful in an effort to gravitate toward all age demographics. Vintage contemporary is the phrase I eventually adapted to describe the vibe for Space For Us. If you know me, I love sci-fi, space operas, sci-fi vintage, and the desert. I also wanted the brand to be an extension of all the things I enjoy. Colors or themes that bring about fond memories. However, to incorporate it all I had NO clue what it looked like visually. I wanted to stay away from being too literal when branding for Space For Us and avoid it being like a traditional nonprofit brand. I battled with where to even begin with such branding. Should Space For Us have an icon logo or no icon and just text only? I was immediately overwhelmed and knew my next steps were to hire a contractor to bring a persona to Space For Us.
Last night, Space For Us hosted an electrifying star party in collaboration with Oklahoma Contemporary, OKC Astronomy Club, and Lunar Sooners. It was an amazing time with 171 of our enthusiastic guests. Our hearts are filled.